Why do Kids Love to Play Outside?

Why do Kids Love to Play Outside?

Wondering why your kids love to play outside? It is a question, most of us are curious about! There are many reasons why your kid loves to participate in outdoor plays. The best thing about an  outdoor playground is the large, spacious grounds that are designed in such a way that children’s play can come to full expression. This is the place where children can make a mess, run, jump and hide. The outdoor playground allows your little ones to shout, whistle and explore the natural world. This is the place where they can think, reflect and just be alone with their thoughts.

Outdoor play was the best part of your childhood, too. Agree? Aww! I can hear your yes. This is because it gives us the best memories that can be cherished in the whole long life. We all agree that playing in the play area is a blast, it is more of fun! Kids are free to experiment, create, discover and expand their limits.

But don’t ignore the quality of the  outdoor playground park area. Your kid’s health is important, very important. Right? Make sure the  outdoor playground area is safe, hygienic, well-equipped, and fun loving.



What is a playground?

A playground, playland or play area is a place that is designed specifically to enable children (of different ages) to play there. The outdoor playground allows kids to play, jump, run, hide and explore new games. Normally, the  outdoor playground for toddlers is specifically designed for little ones to play and have fun, however, some sort of play is specific for certain age groups and is not appropriate for kids below a particular age.

Modern  outdoor playground parks are equipped with superior recreational equipment, such as  seesaws,  infant kids slide with swings chin-up bars, playhouses,  trampoline, landslides with monkey bar and three swings. All these equipment help your little ones develop physical coordination, strength, and flexibility on the top of offering recreation, fun, enjoyment along with supporting social and emotional development.


Can I put a playground in my front yard?

Yes, you surely can! There are various  outdoor playground design ideas that can add beauty in your home, lawn, or front yard. In fact, it is a great idea to turn the outdoor space at your home (whether it be a backyard, front lawn or patio) into a space that makes your kids want to go out and play! Are you just thinking about a blank space at your home which doesn't look nice to you? I just caught you! Right? There are various outdoor playground equipments that you can buy and install in the backyard and parks to let your kid have fun. For instance,  Climber and Monkey Bar, Trampoline, Alpine Bridge Climber & Slides are few of many playground equipment that you can gift your little champ to perform little cute activities.

To make your playground look good, buy the best quality  Rubber Matt and Artificial Grass by an  online toy store in UAE and let your little buddy play, entertain, and become stronger and healthier.

Trust me! It is not a hectic job but would be your favorite DIY project which you can brag about with your fellow mom. Sounds cool!

All it needs is a little effort, some money, and a few hours to surprise your little buddy with the best gift ever.

And we all know how important outdoor play is, right? Mr. Rogers got it right when he said that play is the work of childhood.

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”


What is the best age for an outdoor playground for kids?



Are you thinking, should I take my butter pumpkin with me to go outdoors? Worrying as if he is too little or she is too introverted? Let me tell you, playgrounds are kid’s favorite places to visit and have fun. I have gone through various studies that recommend not to take less than 6 months old kids to a playground. It can be dangerous for your little champ to take him/her along. When your child crosses 6 months, take him/her with you to a playground and let them have some fun.

We, as a parent, are well aware of the fact that outdoor play is a critical part of childhood. Your cutie pie learns to discover, explore, interact and more importantly, how he can maximize his cute limits. At this age, install premium quality  infant kids slides with swings for your toddlers to have him/her a little fun.

If your kid is above 3 years, installing a  3 in 1 Outdoor Play Structure Jumbo Slide with Swing and Basketball is a great way to help develop your little champ grow socially, physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

Do you, like all other parents, want to see your kid fit and healthy? Yeah, of course! Trampoline is the best outdoor play for your kids of less than 2 years to make him/her strong, active and confident. And this is how you want to see him; confident, super active and determined. However, age is very important to be considered before buying a special toy for your kid. Keep in mind that every child has varying needs and their needs vary with age.


So, you can take your kid to the play area if he is above 6 months old. Children below six months are at an increased risk of sustaining life-threatening injuries or contracting dangerous diseases because their immune system is still weak. So, it demands extra safety features and super hygiene to take them there!



Where to buy Outdoor Playground?

Now, you understand why your little one’s love playing outside and how important it is for your mini version to play outside. Here the question arises, where we can buy a reliable, high quality, kid’s friendly outdoor playground? Don’t have time to explore the market, right? No worries! Let me introduce you to the best  outdoor playground Dubai Bait Al Tarfeeh , that offers convenient shopping through an online store or Mobile App (Android and iOS). It has coverage across the UAE and has a variety of outdoor playground equipment. The best thing about Bait Al Tarfeeh is the fast delivery, superior quality, and its incredible deals. Place your order now and get your kids favorite playground within a maximum of three days!









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