طلب مسبقطلب مسبق

The Smoby pediatric practice consists of threewings made of high-quality cardboard parts. which are surrounded by a sturdymetal frame. The integrated shelves provide additionalstability and offer plenty of space for the extensive examination accessories. After playing. the school can be folded up andput away again to save space.The different play areas offer a wide variety of examination options:In the radiology area. the 5 x-ray images can be analyzed or placed on thechildren's silhouettes to recreate a skeleton.Detection of body parts: here the children can attach various medical aids withVelcro.Nutrition area: the little patients can show what they ate during the day withthe help of small cards showing food.Eye test: with the help of a card and game glasses. both eyes can be tested forvision and color recognition.Pain recognition: wheel. for different clinical pictures.Measuring range: the growth table can be used to indicate the baby's genderduring pregnancy and the height of up to 1.20 m can be determined with the helpof the measuring stick.Adjustment wheel to determine the different levels of treatment.Play scale to take the patient's weight.Numerous accessories complement the playfulequipment.Product dimensions (LxWxH): 135 x 41 x 120 cm.Age recommendation: suitable for children from 3years