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You will be able to create and run your businessthanks to this pretty market!You will develop your imagination and familiarize you with the shoppinguniverse: being a customer or a seller. a lot of a play hours are guaranteed!Features & FunctionsArrange your sales point as you want. You have different elements at yourdisposal to organize your departments: shelves. boxes. vegetables. fruitsPlay customer in using the trolley like mom and dad to do your shopping withoutbeing encumberedAnd do not forget to weigh your foods thanks to the scale before going to thecheckoutThe cash register has a lot of funny functions! You will love to use thebarcode scanner: it makes sound and light. like realsYou will have the impression of being in a real supermarket! In addition. youcan use your credit card because there is a credit card readerAnd as if by magic. a receipt will come outCalculation will become a real child’s play You can help you with the calculator to know the total amount of purchases anddevelop your numeracy by giving change